Special Issue
Editorial followup
Extended conference papers are being invited for the special issues for review and potential publication.
Please note that:
- papers must have been presented in the conference;
- papers should have been carefully revised and extended with at least 30% of new original contribution;
- a paper can be submitted to only one special issue;
- only one submission per special issue is allowed.

IJES CSS 2018: Special Issue on: "Lightweight Solutions for Cyberspace Security: Research Advances and Challenges"
While conventional security and privacy techniques work well on systems which have acceptable computational and memory capabilities, this does not apply to the modern, pervasively interconnected world. Today there are myriad embedded systems and sensor networks with very limited computational and memory capabilities. Such systems and networks are closely linked to sensitive infrastructures and strategic services such as the distribution of water and electricity, so designing and implementing privacy and security technologies in such environments is fundamental.
The introduction of lightweight techniques is essential to overcoming many of the problems arising from conventional security and privacy issues, such as constraints related to physical size, processing requirements, memory limitation and energy drain.
The main aim of this special issue is to present innovative research contributions aimed at addressing security and privacy issues within modern constrained network environments, and to provide a bridge for discussions and opportunities between the academic and industrial world. The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the 10th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS 2018), but we are also inviting other experts to submit articles for this call.

IJHPCN CSS 2018: Special Issue on: "Smart Monitoring and Protection of Data-Intensive Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructures"
Today even more research efforts are being aimed at the monitoring and protection of data-intensive cyber-physical critical infrastructures, e.g. critical civil or military infrastructures, such as transport systems, water treatment facilities, power plants, electricity grids, oil and gas refineries. Security of such critical infrastructures is of paramount importance, since its failure can have important social and economic consequences.
However, this seems to go in the opposite direction with respect to devices used within such infrastructures, e.g. Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Indeed, such devices, which enable the interconnection of sensors and controllers, typically have constrained hardware and software characteristics, which impose several limitations on the security facilities to be used. Such completely heterogeneous devices exchange large amounts of data, sometimes for short periods. Thus, the problem of efficient and intelligent monitoring of such infrastructures arises.
This special issue invites original research and review articles that will bring the emerging area of data-intensive cyberphysical critical infrastructures monitoring to the attention of the academic and industrial research community. We invite the submission of papers introducing novel algorithms, techniques, software architectures and hardware technologies that support the advancement of the state of the art concerning the reliable and effective processing of information concerning the cyber-physical world.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the 10th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS 2018), but we are also inviting other experts to submit articles for this call.